Boobs !

What I prefer with my boobs, it's the angry faces of other girls, jealous of me, it's so ridiculous that sometime, when I saw a couple of this angry girls hushing about me, I laugh loudy, and when she try to impress me by their number, I take my dark moody face and provoke her, usualy, she run in other direction! I love my boobs!!!


Sutheira said...

I'm not jealous of your boobs, I'm just sad, because mines are not so beautiful!

John Belt said...

girls are always jealous of something! your boobs are perfectly cosmic!


if I met you, I swear, you see me smiling in face of all this beauty!

The Pearline sea's said...

I dream of a body like yours!

WOLDEN said...

I appreciate women like you :-)

Le Royaume d'Ashenah said...

on ne peut pas être jalouse en voyant une poitrine pareille, juste béate d'admiration!

... said...

ils sont trés bien ces boobs! les filles devraient faire comme les garçons; s'extasier!

Anonymous said...

you're a smily woman, that's pleasant!

Aurélie said...

i love your smile.